What is happiness? I believe that there are only two types of happiness and only one of them is real. The first type is a short-term happiness whose only power is to make you smile a little bit. This can come from someone saying "You're really pretty!" or even if the guy you like smiles at you. This happiness isn't necessarily bad, but it doesn't last. If that boy smiles at you and then he turns right away because his friends snickered, that happiness just vanishes. This is a nice type of happiness to have every once in a while but just because someone says you're pretty doesn't mean that they are a quality friend that will always be there for you. Quality friends help you feel the second kind of happiness.
The second type of happiness is a little bit more complicated. I can't really explain it but I hope you'll know what I mean. If you accomplish something that is seemingly impossible, you are bound to feel that happiness. After all, by accomplishing the impossible, you've just learned that you are capable of amazing things. This type of happiness is much better than the first type but it takes a whole lot more effort. In order to experience this happiness you must accomplish something and in order to do that, you must be focused, respectful, responsible, strong, and totally dedicated. Whatever you want to accomplish is up to you, but the end result depends on if you followed all the requirements above. I know I might sound really confusing right now so I'll give you an example; The Julie/Julia Project which has become a major motion picture called Julie & Julia. Julie Powell was completely depressed with her life and so, she decided to accomplish the impossible. Julie Powell cooked her way through Julia Child's Mastering the art of French Cooking in a single year. That's 524 recipes in 365 days. And guess what? Julie Powell finished it and she found utter bliss. The happiness that Julie found was the second kind and it would take a world-wide disaster for her happiness to disappear. When you find that second type of happiness, it is like no one can hurt you. No one can ever bring you down or take that happiness away from you.

With all my heart, thank you.
~Meaghan ♥
P.S. I know I haven`t blogged about Grease yet but I will soon!
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